Welcome to Hollywood Writers

Established 1997

Members - Resumes

Resumes of some of our members.

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Kevin Faulkner

Kevin FaulknerKevin Faulkner was born in Great Yarmouth (U.K.) and is the eldest of three children. At the age of nine he moved with his family to Cheltenham where he lived until he was twenty two. Kevin has since lived in the leafy suburbs of Sutton Coldfield and Hollywood, Birmingham. He enjoys driving his classic sports car, playing the odd game of golf, spending time in his motor home and just wandering around with a camera. Kevin has a keen interest in Arthurian legend, pagan religions (not to the point where you will find him running around naked in a wood with a bunch of mistletoe in one hand and a silver sickle in the other) and Roman, and post Roman history. He was introduced to The Lady of Shallot at school and never liked the way that the poem ended or that there was no explanation of why the curse came to be upon this poor young woman. He also did not like the way Lancelot was perceived in some of the ancient tales. So audaciously has set about rewriting part of the story of King Arthur and Merlin. More will follow in the second and third novels.

Terry Walsh

Jack WalshMy name is Terry Walsh but I write under the pen name of Jack Walsh and have been a member of Wythall Writers for around 8 years and I have edited the last two editions of short stories and poems written by members past and present.

I'm 74 years of age and have been writing short stories, novels and poetry since the mid 1980's but it was only around 2013 when I got into self-publishing, although my first novel – Twilight's Last Gleaming – had been written many years before.

In 2013, I was awarded by Open University an Honours Degree in English Literature and that is what spurred me on to begin writing more.

To date, I have self-published six novels, a book of short stories, a children's novella and a book of poetry and here are photographs of the front cover of each:
Here are the front cover photographs for each of my six novels:
Jack's Books

Terence Johnson

Terence JohnsonTerence Johnson, Dad, Gemini, boomer, bon viveur, creative, dreamer, dyslexic, introvert, loafer, sarcastic, unorthodox, natural liar story teller.

As a youth delighting in Aesop’s fables, Terry grew to love allegorical fiction. His work; be it Vikings, aliens, killer robots or fictitious English monarchs; has something to say about the world we live in.
His first recorded work was based upon David Bowie’s Starman; an alien came to Earth and freed all the children from school. Sadly, all versions have been lost over the pursuing years.

Terry has over 25 year's experience in governmental accountancy, debits, credits, budget monitoring and spread sheets form his daily grind. To escape this hell, he enjoys classic dystopian and Sci-Fi, books and films. For fun he writes various; stand alone; science fiction and alternate history stories.

With a full-time job, an all-consuming passion for writing and a penchant for laziness, there is no time for other hobbies.

He builds stories from one sentence/paragraph idea, not with a, "I can do a better job than that," motivation.

Amelia Quirk

Amelia QuirkI'm Amelia, a 40 something mother of 4 who has finally made good on my threats to write a novel, which I first thought of back in early 2013 when a series of events, coupled with heavy snow and a visit to a stately home gave me the inspiration.

Actually my novel, which I have just written the first draft of, draws on a wealth of inspiration, not least Alice in Wonderland and The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe, but also novels such as Susanna Clarke's Mr. Norrell and Mr. Strange, Neil Gaiman and Laura Purcell's gothic offerings, as well as a bit of Sarah Waters and last but not least the modern Netflix sitcom The Haunting of Bly Manor, which itself is inspired by Henry James's Turn of the screw. It's a historical fantasy novel which I hope, like books such as the chronicles of Narnia, can become both believable and accessible despite the fantasy/supernatural element.

The plot essentially involves a young woman whose erstwhile partner disappears, who finds herself entering another world while on a residential course at a rather infamous country mansion in Oxfordshire. She meets another troubled young woman in this other world and they become allies in a quest to discover the truth about their altered existence and the mystery of a young gardener who disappeared at the turn of the 20th century.

I have also drawn on my history degree and Masters in Victorian Studies as well as my love of fine art to conceive this story and I hope that people will enjoy becoming immersed as the characters are in a parallel dimension.

My plan is to edit my first draft over the coming weeks and look to find an agent thereafter, but I shall post snippets of the novel here to whet your appetite. My next novel will be about a young woman, who in the spirit of a favourite Victorian author Mary Elizabeth Braddon, is hoping to leave a murky past behind. Her naval husband is dead and she must leave Kent to escape the zeppelin raids in 1917 but what secrets has she left behind and will they catch up with her in her new life in the North of Ireland, against a backdrop of sectarian violence. It could also be seen as a bit of a latter day Tess of the D'Urbervilles, except justice is more evenly distributed in my interpretation.

Amelia's Book
Please feel free to follow my author page on Facebook - Amelia Louisa Aspiring Author.

Don Russell

Don Russell's BookI was born in Inverness, Scotland in 1954. After a varied work life in the Forestry Commission, Salaries and Pensions and Oil Rig Construction I moved south to Birmingham and trained as a social worker. And spent thirty years working in inner city Birmingham and latterly in Hospice care.

Jack's Books I have had a number of writings included in an anthology, 'Twenty Years of Second Thursdays' published by Wythall Writer’s Group. I have co-written a book of three stories titled 'Grandad Paul's Tales from Walking Football'.
I write for the joy of it. I have a novel I am currently working on, some of it on my computer, some on scraps of paper and some still in my head.

I also have a website with a number of short stories and flash fiction at:-


Call or E-mail the members below for more details.
Kevin Faulkner - 07727 210617
To E-mail Terry Walsh


Here are a selection of stories from some our members.

The House on Kensington Road

Kevin Faulkner

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe House on Kensington Road

The body of a young well to do man is found by his cleaner. His body drained of Blood. The Police are baffled and in their desperation call on the help of a young woman who works for the British Museum. An expert in ancient religions. Her theories are dismissed as superstitious nonsense until the young man returns to life in the morgue and begins to kill. The Police reluctantly agree that there must be a vampire, now two in London and they must be found at all costs. How can a modern police force track ancient creatures down. How can a Vampire survive in a modern world. The ancient and modern collide in a terrible climax in the house on Kensington Road.

The Halfling: The Shallot Trilogy. Book 1

Kevin Faulkner

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe Shallot Trilogy

This is the natural successor to Harry Potter. It tells the tale of the Lady of Shallot. It tells of whom she is, how the curse came to be put upon her and how an army of Faerie led by an Angel enters into Hell to try and free her from eternal torment. This volume introduces the characters that you will come to know and love and they battle Demons and evil men and women across continents during the sixth century.
In post Roman Britain magic is real. Demons and Angels constantly battle and all the while creatures of darkness hunger to rule over the world of men.
A demon named Ameal in the guise of a beautiful woman has been sent into King Arthur’s court to discover the secret of how to break open the gates of hell. Her mission is to free the demon queen and her countless legions so that they can conquer this world.
The adventure pits a small band of friends, against an army of demons and an evil so ancient that it walked the earth when God first created man.

The Isle of the Blessed: The Shallot Trilogy. Book 2

Kevin Faulkner

PaperbackThe Isle of the Blessed

King Arthur is dead. Camelot is in ruins and the evil Lilith and Mordred rule Britainnia. The demons have escaped from hell and invaded Avalon and the Faerie fight for their existence now trapped high in the Dragon Mountains. The only weapon that has power enough to undo the evil that has hold over the country lies many leagues across the Great Western Sea to the Isle of the Belessed Fria and her friends must make a terrible journey there, all the while chased by Mordred and a band of his ruthless soldiers. Can they make such a journey. When in their path lies spirits of the dark and the deep.

The Seal of Solomon: The Shallot Trilogy. Book 3

Kevin Faulkner

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe Seal of Solomon

The final installment of the Shallot Trilogy. Lilith is angry at the death of her son Mordred and sets off in search of the ultimate weapon. The Seal of Solomon. The ring forged by Jehovah himself which will give her power over the demons and ultimately power over the world of men. She travels to the land of Chin were she releases an imprisoned Genie with whom she joins forces in order to destroy the great country of Egypt. Her agents search for the ring which legend says was buried with Mary, the Mother of Christ in a fabulous tomb set deep in a hillside in a valley just outside Ephesus in Turkey. Fria and her friends must again come together to battle their mortal enemy. Some must enter the underworld to retrieve Egypt's stolen Queen, Hathor, the wife wife of Shah. Some must go to Ephesus to race against Lilith's agents to be the first to find the tomb and others must go to Thebes to battle the Genie with its indomitable power before it destroys the country. Can they overcome all odds and succeed or will they all die at the hands of the evil Lilith and her legions of Demons.

The Devil in the Detail

Kevin Faulkner

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe Devil in the Detail

The first novel featuring Caroline Redman. Ex model, now owner of Redman’s Model agency. A woman dies mysteriously at a charity auction just before the beginning of London Fashion week. She was the head of an internationally renowned fashion house. Weeks pass and to all those who were close to her the police investigation seems to be going nowhere. The Fashion house’s future is tied to the success of their latest fashion show. The show is ground breaking, full of fantastic technology which will change the way fashion shows are ever held again. Caroline is drawn into the case and with her trusty assistant Abigail Jones decides to look into the murder herself.
The famous father of the Hollywood actress Susan Levine is beaten up and left for dead in Hyde park. How does this tie Caroline’s investigation? What had he seen or said to warrant this?
After the triumphant success of the show in New York the young man who is in charge is found dead in his hotel room. Heroin and Cocaine injected into his arm. The Met are at a dead end, all clues leading nowhere.
Can Caroline, despite the threats from the police force for being too involved solve the crime and show them who did it?
The plot moves from the Gay night clubs of London to Paris and across to New York then back again. The final scene set in the Savoy Hotel will astound the reader as the killers are revealed by the murdered person herself.

Twilight's Last Gleaming

Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition

PaperbackTwilight's Last Gleaming

The dream of his generation, the fabled American Dream, is dying a slow and ignominious death in the jungles and deltas of South Vietnam, yet still he yearns for glory in battle.Twilight's Last Gleaming is a chronicle of one man's journey through the Vietnam War and his betrayal of the Nixon Administration's most closely guarded secret of the conflict - the B52 bombing raids of neutral Cambodia.Here is his voyage into the dark and uncharted regions of his soul, his descent into the depths of human despair and his ultimate psychological destruction.

The Will of the State

Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe Will of the State

Here is the story of Vasily Nikolayevich Petrov and his epic journey across the vastness of the Soviet Empire; from Stalingrad, the bloodiest of World War Two battles, to the post war destruction of Berlin; from the horrors of the Kolyma Gulag yo the unspeakable revulsion of the Human Research Facility of Kiyeng-Urasa; from the Brezhnev era greyness of Leningrad to the post Soviet City Saint Petersburg, where the relative peace and quiet of the Twelve Colleges Building of Saint Petersburg State University is suddenly shattered by the brutal assissination of an ex KGB Colonel.

Pandora's Box

Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition

PaperbackPandora's Box

Pandora's Box is a novel of haunting and possession.
Susie de Francia is the last of her line and her ammoral corruption, her depravity, her perversity, like her forebears, is as bad as if she had plucked it from the Rome of Gaius Caligula and she embraces sado-masochism as part of her ferociously voracious sex life. But one day, she makes a fatal error of judgement – she falls in love and such love is unrequited. Susie wants revenge and the consequences are evil beyond comprehension.


Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition


In 1905 in a workhouse in a Lancashire town, Grace Blackwood is brutally raped and beaten by three assailants. The only witness was her five year old daughter, Leah.
What is the connection between the incident and five brutal murders almost twenty years later?
The assailant is caught and sentenced to life in a secure mental institution where she dies in 1952.
But beginning in August 1955 in a total of three sepeate incidents, each fifteen years apart three people are brutally murdered in exactly the same fashion with one being seriously assaulted.
Can Chief Inspector Bruce Erskine of West Midlands Police Special Investigations Unit track down the serial killer in order to save the life of the final victim?

Something Wicked

Jack Walsh

Kindle EditionPandora's Box

When the devil comes calling at your door, what has he got to sell you? Your wildest dreams or a whole heap of trouble?
All characters apperaing in this book are fictitious and under those circumstances, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The exception is a number of references to Jimmy Judd, Sheriff of Cochise County from 1977 to 1992. He was never meant to be part of the story in name - but as an author, I do like to get my facts right.

An Enemy of the People

Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition

PaperbackAn Enemy of the People

At the time of the infamous Moscow Show Trials during Stalin's Reign of Terror, Grigori Mikhailovich Antonov, an insignificant clerk in an obscure Leningrad government office, is arrested, brutally interrogated, put on trial and condemned to the Gulag.
This is a story of survival against all of the odds, a survival of memory, of the human spirit and the survival of family in a harsh and repressive State.
And so, Comrade, who are your enemies?
But more specifically, who are your friends?

The Vikings of Vinland

Terence Johnson

Kindle Edition

PaperbackThe Vikings of Vinland

The Vikings of Vinland.
Seventeen-year-old Anders is the second son of the Vinland Norse King. For the first time, he joins his father's army and heads for war.
Dreams of adventure and brave deeds die in the confused, terrifying crush of a noisy, close quarter battle. In the face of realism, Anders wishes only to finish the day alive.
Five hundred years before Columbus, Norsemen discovered America; they named it "Vinland".
To the north the Gronland (Greenlanders,) colony. Surrounding both colonies of Northmen, the Canadian forests. In the forests the native "Nantikoo", tribes.
Can Anders and his friends restore balance to a land at war and prevent the annihilation of the Vinland Vikings?
Buy "The Vikings of Vinland", to find out.

When first we Learn to Question

Terence Johnson

Kindle Edition

PaperbackWhen first we Learn to Question

Dan longs for alien contact, Jon knows it’s all fake. Curtis and Melissa simply want to get home to their families. Nixon is enjoying life, Vassal questions the purpose.

Dan longs for alien contact, Jon knows it’s all fake. Curtis and Melissa simply want to get home to their families. Nixon is enjoying life, Vassal questions the purpose.
From out of space, out of range, outclassing Earth’s military comes an alien invasion. Told in three books, charting the lead-up, the event and the aftermath.
When we learn to question, the lies are there to find.
Will humanity survive against impossible odds? Will Dan make meaningful contact? Will Curtis and Melissa find their way home? What answers will Vassal find in his search for purpose in a post-invasion world?
Each of the three books holds its own questions.
Buy When first we learn to question, to find the answers.

These books are available to purchase from Amazon.


Here are examples of poetry from some of our members.

An Effusion of Poems

Jack Walsh

Kindle Edition

PaperbackPandora's Box

An eclectica of rhyme. So feast your eyes if you've time on poems rude, risqué, funny, sad, anti-war, the misery of being old, science fiction, being ill, being a hypochondriac, drinking etcetera and etcetera and etcetera.

This book is available to purchase from Amazon.


You can contact us by telephone or by E-mail


Kevin Faulkner on 07727 210617

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